Pencil, Brush and Hand
An Interview with Artist James Murphy
Created for Art New

James Murphy's painting and evolution as an artists can be categorized into four different styles: Tonaism, Expressionism, Modern Expressionism and Abstract. The question is why. Why four styles, why
the evolution? Here the artist begins to answer some of these questions, and share his thoughts on his art and approach to painting.
Q. Why paintings of nature?
A. We will be posting James Murphy's answer here. Please check back or sign up for notices on our contact page.
Q. Your art is placed into four distinct categories or styles. Why these four styles and what is it about moving from say modern expressionism to abstract art?
A. We will be posting James Murphy's answer here. Please check back or sign up for notices on our contact page.
Q. So we discussed the differences, besides nature that we talked about, what is common in all your work?
A. We will be posting James Murphy's answer here. Please check back or sign up for notices on our contact page.
Q. Why is art important to you and is it necessarily
important for society?
A. We will be posting James Murphy's answer here. Please check back or sign up for notices on our contact page.

There is a similarity in color pallet regardless of style and although the colors are subtly infinite, I start with only eight basic pigments.
James Murphy, Artist
Q. How did the idea come about to collaborate with other artists and poets for your latest series of paintings?
A. We will be posting James Murphy's answer here. Please check back or sign up for notices on our contact page.
Q. What else can you tell us about these latest works, inspired by poetry?
A. We will be posting James Murphy's answer here. Please check back or sign up for notices on our contact page.
Q. So we discussed the differences, besides nature that we talked about, what is common in all your work?
A. We will be posting James Murphy's answer here. Please check back or sign up for notices on our contact page.
Q. Why is art important to you and is it necessarily
important for society?
A. We will be posting James Murphy's answer here. Please check back or sign up for notices on our contact page.
For further inquiries please contact the studio.

An Example of Tonalism
Acrylic on canvas painting by James Murphy
©2018, James Murphy

An Example of Expressionistic Painitng
Acrylic on canvas painting by James Murphy
©2018, James Murphy

An Example of Modern Expressionism
Acrylic on canvas painting by James Murphy
©2018, James Murphy

An Example of Abstract Art
Acrylic on canvas painting by James Murphy
©2018, James Murphy
PTLeader reported James Murphy being awarded 'Artist of the Month' by the Ludlow League.
The full article can be found on the PT Leader website through the link below which will open in a new web browser windw.
James Murphy Named Ludlow Legue's Artists of the Month

This image courtesy of the PT Leader.